

This peice of software is one that I use on a regular basis. Its a remote support tool. That means that I can connect to your machine, as long as you have a network connection. This is fantastic for those of us who have multiple machines or setups in different rooms and you want to access them from the living room (even from work). Also great for checking up on the kids!



This is a great piece of software that will allow you to combine or open compressed files. Think of a shopping bag holding all your groceries. 7 zip will open that shopping bag and have access to all the good stuff inside. These files that you open with 7 zip are normally compressed to save space.



My go to Anti virus of choice. I have used it for years and install on all my customers machines as well as any machines I have for sale.



This peice of software is great for those who have a lot of important files. Pictures of the kids, work documents or just your music collection. This will save you a lot of time saving. One software I recommend to those who have multiple external hard drives that are used to back up files from your machine. You can set schedules for when to sync new files to backup locations, perform actions upon the drive being plugged into the machine and lots more.

As always, please use a cloud storage location or more than one backup for those priceless files.